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4 Axes Geometry and Taper on 2D or Solid


For some machines, programming tapers is only possible in 4 axes machining. In this case, you start by creating the taper with this command. After this, use the command 4 Axes geometry to generate automatically the top and bottom profiles necessary for machining, at any needed Z altitude.

The function has 2 different purposes (and consequently 2 different names):

  1. In EDM, creation of wireframe geometry which will be a second geometrical contour to machine in 4 axes mode.

  2. In Milling, creation of a solid based on a taper creation, ready to be machined with the Shape cycles.

How to use the function

1. Click on the profile where the taper is defined.

2. Type in the altitude [1] used when creating the taper.

3. Type in the thickness[2] of the part.

4. Choose the direction [3] of the part relative to the altitude chosen.

5. Click on the last button[4] to choose between Solid Creation or Wireframe Creation.

The result is pre-visualized depending on the parameters you fill.

6.  Click on the green tick [5] when the result shown is the one you want.

Example :

You want to machine this shape with a 4 axes cycle. Fill the parameters and check that the pre-visualization (here in orange) is correct.

You click on the green tick, the geometry is created and ready to be machined.

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