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Cycle Type

Cycles: Roughing, turnyuGO, // Roughing, Balanced Roughing, Finish, Balanced Finishing, form Finishing

This option is very important, it determines the type of toolpath that is programmed. The common setting for appropriate cycles is shown below.

Outside: straight cutting (Axial toolpaths)

Inside: reaming (Axial toolpaths)

Face: facing (Radial toolpaths)

Back: Facing on back side (Radial toolpaths)

This strategy option is not limited to these settings and operations.

The options here only determine the toolpath shape but is not restricted to the cycle.

Except for facing operations.

As such this option becomes very malleable and for instance you can even define an outside roughing cycle (typically axial toolpaths) with radial toolpaths by changing the cycle type to Face.


▶️ You can watch a video of Inside and Facing toolpath with a boring cutter:

Inside and Facing Toolpaths.png

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