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Depth - Reference and Depth

Cycle: Deep Drill & Clevis


Definition of the depth calculation according to the type of element selected.

 Type of hole: the type of element selected is very important to understand the way the depth is calculated.

We can distinguish 3 types of elements:

  1. through holes: if the hole selected is a through hole (information given during the creation of the hole), then the machining always goes through material, the depth parameters are not necessary.

  2. blind holes: a depth is defined in the hole feature.

  3. circles: there is no depth defined in the element. This is a special case.


4 types of depth calculation are offered:

  • Entity (default value)

  • Stock

  • Manual / Entity

  • Manual / Stock 


Blind holes


Entity (case 1):

  • Blind holes: the depth machined is the hole depth.

  • Circles: as a circle has no depth, you have to enter the value in the field Depth (value A). This is the same behaviour as the option Manual / Entity. The depth is defined according to the circle Z positioning.

Stock (case 2):

The machining is done through material.

Manual / Entity (case 3):

A value has to be entered manually in the field Depth (value A).

The depth is defined according to the entity (hole or circle) Z positioning.

Manual / Stock (case 4):

A value has to be entered manually in the field Depth (value B).

The depth is defined according to the stock value. As a prepiercing operation is defined, the depth is calculated from the bottom of the prepierced hole.

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