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FAQ - Machine Tool Environment

(question) Question

How can I have 2 different tools in a synchronized cycle?

(tick) Solution

Define your Balanced Roughing/ Balanced Finishing cycle as usual with the required synchronization settings. In this case, since a single tool has been chosen, the same tool will be loaded twice in MTE.




Synchronization parameters-20240624-095710.PNG



To be able to set a different second tool, expand the cycle in the machining tree. Right-click on the existing tool select 'Add a different opposite tool'.

This will open the tool selection window again where you can choose the tool you require and validate.

Both tools will be visible in the machining tree now.

In MTE, if you do Auto mount, these 2 tools will automatically be mounted on opposite turrets.

Opposite tool.png


2 tools.PNG


 You can watch a video explaining the application of the balanced synchronized cycles. Skip to 2.20 in the video to view the definition of 2 different tools for the cycle.

Balanced roughing - finishing-20240814-051528.png

(question) Question

How to duplicate tool in MTE?

(tick) Solution

In turning to duplicate tool,

  1. Select the tool you want to duplicate in the Machine tooling area.

  2. Right-click on the tool and select "Copy" and then, right-click “ Paste” it on the tool bar vector.

  3. Go to List of tools

  4. Change “Position choice” for the other cycles with the same tool and mount the tool on the turret.

Duplication of tool in MTE.png

(question) Question

How does WanaGO determine if a machine can accept a part?

(tick) Solution

WanaGO determines if a machine can accept a part based on the following criteria:

  1. Stock Size: The machine's mini and maxi stock sizes are compared to the dimensions of the workpiece. If the workpiece fits within these dimensions, the machine is considered capable.

  2. Weight: If a material file with a density value is loaded, the weight of the workpiece is calculated. This weight is then compared to the machine's capacity. If the machine can handle the weight, it is considered suitable.

In essence, WanaGO ensures that the machine is both physically large enough to accommodate the part and strong enough to handle its weight.

(question) Question

How to program a part on a rotary table?

(tick) Solution

  1. Open the machine file.

  2. Navigate to the "Work Holding Device " section.

  3. Click on the folder next to the Main Setting to browse the available rotary table and choose the appropriate rotary table.

  4. Click the "Validate" button to confirm your selection.

  5. Right-click on the "Stock".

  6. Choose the "Setting part and fixture" option.

  7. Adjust the rotary table's coordinates and rotation angle.

  8. Validate your settings.

  9. Go to Machine > Tooling to view the rotary table in the MTE.


Example of a Haas Rotary table.

▶️ This video demonstrate a 4 axis programming of roughing and how to setup a rotary table.

4 axis programming of roughing-20240926-095149.png
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