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Gear and Toothing Creation

Gear Creation

Creation of parallel involute circle gears according to the ISO (NF E 23-001 to 005) and AGMA (American) Standards.

Two types of gears are possible :

  • external gears

  • internal gears

The characteristics of the toothing are calculated according to the number of teeth and to the pitch (diameter = pitch * number of teeth). GO2cam displays the reports of these different calculations where the pitch and the number of teeth are involved.

To create a gear

a. Fill the parameters of the following dialog box. The parameters for the Control Characteristics area are described: click here.

b. If you click on the green tick to validate : a half tooth is drawn.
c. You can select Symmetry to have a full tooth drawn and if you also select Rotation, the whole gear will be drawn after validation.

a operation (external gear)

b and c operations (external gear)

Toothing Creation

Creation of rectilinear sides involute circle splines according to the ISO (NF E 22-141) and AGMA (American) Standards.

Two types of splines are possible :

  • shafts

  • hubs

The characteristics of the toothing are calculated according to the number of teeth and to the pitch (diameter = pitch * number of teeth). GO2cam displays the reports of these different calculations where the pitch and the number of teeth are involved.

Note :

  • this type of spline is a particular case of parallel involute circle gear handled by the Gear module.

  • if you have to design a spline that does not fit the GO2cam specific calculation frame, you can use the Gear module to define this spline better.

To create a spline

a. Fill the parameters of the following dialog box. The parameters for the Control Characteristics area are described: click here.

b. If you click on the green tick to validate : a half tooth is drawn.
c. You can select Symmetry to have a full tooth drawn and if you also select Rotation, the whole gear will be drawn after validation.

a operation(splined shaft)

b and c operations (splined shaft)

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