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Lead in - Lead out Mode

Cycles: Contouring, Contour rework, Slotting, Chamfering, Taper cutting


Definition of the lead in and lead out movement between the approach and return points and the starting point of the toolpath.

Three possibilities are offered:

  • Milling Altitude

  • Altitude+SD

  • Direct XYZ

Milling altitude

The tool goes first to the point located at the milling altitude.
Then, it moves following X and Y axis to join the starting point of the toolpath.
If a tool compensation is defined, it is taken during the horizontal movement.


The tool moves first horizontally following X and Y axis.
If a tool compensation is defined, it is taken during this horizontal movement.
Then, it goes down to the milling altitude and starts the toolpath.

Direct XYZ

The tool directly goes to the starting point of the machining, combinating the X, Y and Z axis movements.
If a tool compensation is defined, it is taken during this movement.

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