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Workplanes Presentation


A workplane is defined by 3 directions, X, Y and Z perpendicular to each other. The working face is XY, the tool is always in the Z direction of the current plane.

When you enter GO2cam, a plane is already created, called Reference plane in Milling and EDM, Revolution Plane in Turning (working face is ZX).

In some specific cases (as machining on a 4th axis), you need to create new planes corresponding to other faces of the part.

All the necessary commands of creation are given to you.


From GO2cam V6.11, the created plane always becomes the current plane.

But creating a new plane does not change the current view. You can change this behaviour with the option Positioning in the newly created plane view, available in Tools>Options>Display.

Special case is the Developed plane: it becomes the current plane and the view is also changed.

Plane List

You can access to the list of existing workplanes, in the interactive status bar. With this list, you can:

  • change the current workplane by choosing the new workplane on the list.

  • see only the elements belonging to the current workplane with the checking box

  • change the current workplane by clicking an element belonging to it: click the pipette, then click the element.

You can also change the plane by using the pipette and clicking the system of axis of the plane.

Display of Workplanes systems of axis


You have the possibility to display the systems of axis corresponding to the existing workplanes. The system of axis also indicates the plane #, this number can also be found in the list of planes.

The display is configured in the dialog of filters:

  • To display only current plane system of axis, keep automatic mode

  • To display systems of axis of all the existing planes, check the icon in ‘visible’ mode

  • To display none of the systems of axis, check the icon in ‘hidden’ mode.

Convention of colors

The Current Workplane is displayed in 3 colors.

Here, the current plane is plane #8.

In case it is not the current workplane, the Reference plane is displayed in White color (plane #1).

All the other existing planes are displayed in clear blue.

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