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Z Machining

Cycle: Slotting


Management of the machining in Z passes.

This parameter is only available for the Full Side Milling Cutter and the Woodruff MC.

In the following choices, Depth is the machining depth (it corresponds to the value defined in the profile selection), Alti is the higher point of the gouge (it corresponds to the altitude value defined in the profile selection).

Depth + Alti: advised for a T gouge machining. The tool first machines the gouge going down to the lower point and then going up to the higher point.

Middle + Depth + Alti: idem, with an extra pass in Z between the two points.

Depth: used for gouges open on the top, the machining is done going down.

Altitude: used for gouges open on the bottom, the machining is done going up.

See also: Different examples of gouges

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