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Retract Distance and Cone Angle

Cycles: Broaching

Retraction Point and Retract Distance

The user can choose whether to have a retraction by selecting Yes or No for the Retraction point.

A retraction point avoids any risk of tool collision with the workpiece in the return path.

Retraction Point - No

Retraction Point - Yes

The Retract Distance (Peck) value defined by the user determines the distance of the retraction toolpath away from the workpiece, in the X-axis.

Cone Angle

Setting a retraction point also allows the possibility to define a Cone Angle. In the case where a keyway with a sloped end is desired, the cone angle comes into play to define this machining toolpath.

Cone Angle of 80 Deg

Note that the cone angle is only available when Retraction point is set to Yes.

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