Design or Import of Geometry: Begin by creating or importing the necessary wireframe geometry to define the shape and boundaries of the part to be machined.
Creation of the Threading Point: Define the threading point for all the profiles either automatically or manually. Select the profiles one by one or do a window selection.
Definition of the stock to be machined.
Machining with Pass Selection: Define the types of passes for each profile one by one or apply a strategy to machine the part.
Process for a simple Solid Part
Design or Import of Geometry: Start by designing or importing a solid geometry. Define the stock during the import process.
Automatic Profile Creation: Use automatic profile generation functions to quickly define the various profiles for straight cut, taper cut, etc.
Creation of the threading Point: Define the threading point for all the profiles either automatically or manually. Select the profiles one by one or do a window selection.
Definition of the stock to be machined if designed.
Machining with Pass Selection: Define the types of passes for each profile one by one or apply a strategy to machine the part.
Process for a Solid with multiple forms
Design or Import of Geometry: Begin by designing or importing the solid geometry that includes multiple shapes. This type of geometry typically involves plates with various features like holes, contours, or cutouts. Define the stock during the import process.
Part Analysis Function: Use the Part Analysis function to analyze the typology and automatically detect the profiles, threading points, and potential machining strategies. This step greatly reduces the manual effort needed to define each feature, improving workflow efficiency.
Creation of the threading Point: Define the threading point for all the profiles automatically.
Calculation of Tool Paths: After the part analysis and creation of threading points, simply execute for the calculation of the toolpaths.
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