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2 Sides Machining

Cycle: Z Level grooving


Ability to choose the type of toolpaths generated for the Z level grooving.

You can choose between 4 options:




Odd then Even

  • Yes means that the first plunge is done at the center, then the flanks are machined one after another.

First plunge

One flank is completely machined

Then, the other flank is done

  • No means that the first plunge is done on one flank and then the following passes are programmed in one direction.

First plunge on one flank

Then, the tool follows only one direction for machining

  • Combined means that we alternate the machining of the 2 sides. This option is very good to machine hard materials.

First plunge at center

2nd plunge on one flank, third plunge on the other flank

Again, one flank then the other.

  • Odd then Even is a new ability to machine with alternative odd and even passes.

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