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Opelists Manager


An Opelist is a list of operations defined and saved as a file to program a part and to use it again on any other part. The order of the operations is kept, and so are the strategies, the tools used and the selections.

The Opelist is a single file, with the extension *.OPL or *.OPE, saved in the folder Opelist.

Opelists are available in Milling and Turning. In Wire-cut EDM, they are called Cutting Strategies and they offer several options especially dedicated to this Technology. A special chapter is dedicated to Strategies.

The purpose of using an Opelist is to automate the machining process; this can be partial automation (requiring only the selection of profiles) or full automation with the use of conditions to completely automate the application of the opelist.

Menu Opelist

All the commands necessary to create, modify and manage the opelists are gathered in a menu of same name.


Creation of an opelist by inserting the operations one by one.

Create from GO2cam File

Creation of an opelist from a GO2cam file (PCE)

The purpose is to read the list of operations of an already machined part and to save this list as an opelist.


Modification of an existing opelist.

Tools Update

When a tool is modified in GO2cam, you can apply the modification in the opelist(s) that you select.

Total Tools Update

When a tool is modified in GO2cam, you can apply the modification in all the opelists.

It is recommended to do Tools Update/Total Tools Update frequently for your opelists. Failure to do so may lead to a syntax being added at the end of the tool name, hence defining it as a separate tool. This may further lead to more issue in the MTE environment. Click here for some details of this issue.

Machine Grade Update

You can define a machine grade and apply it to one or several opelists selected in the explorer. No need to edit the opelist(s) to modify it (them).

Material Grade Update

You can define a material grade and apply it to one or several opelists selected in the explorer. No need to edit the opelist(s) to modify it (them).

Update Menus

After the creation or copy of opelists, you can update the menus of selections in GO2cam.

To Create an Opelist

Three methods of creation are available:

  1. Creation by adding the operations one by one. (Accessible in the Opelists menu as Create)

  2. Creation of an opelist from a .PCE file ( Command accessible in the Opelists menu as Create from GO2cam File)

  3. Creation from the Machining tree by selecting cycles and right-clicking to access the function Opelists and export.

The methods are viewed in detail below

1/ Creation by adding operations

Under the Opelists menu, click on Create. A blank Opelist Manager tree labelled Operation.OPL is opened with a beige background.

The background is this color to distinguish from the machining tree.

To start defining the operations, simply right-click on Operation.OPL, go to Add and there the list of operations that can be added are gathered, categorized under the machining environment, similar to the machining menu. Aside from machining cycles, Techno functions can also be defined in the opelist.

Click on the required cycle to add it in the opelist tree and repeat to add multiple cycles in the required order.

It is important to ensure that the profiles for the cycles are indexed with different numbers. If multiple cycles have the same numbering, right-click on one of the cycle and select ‘Reset the selections

Reset the selections.PNG

Finally click on Validate to save the opelist. (Name it as required)

Opelist Tree -Blank.PNG

Creation of Opelist-20240809-093530.png

2/ Creation of an opelist from a .PCE file

Under the Opelists menu, click on Create from GO2cam file.

You will be prompted to select a .PCE file. Select the file and click on open. All the machining cycles in the .PCE file will be read, extracted and loaded onto the opelist tree without having to open the file in GO2cam.

Create from GO2cam file.png

You can click on Validate to save the opelist or do some modifications before if required.

If a .PCE file with no machining cycle is chosen, and error message is displayed: No machining cycle in operation list!

Opelist Extract.png

3/ Creation from the Machining Tree

For this method, simply program a part as usual or load a .PCE file with machining cycles.

In the Machining Tree, select the cycles you want to keep using the ctrl or the shift key.

Right-click on the selection, choose Opelists, then Export.

You will be brought in the Opelist Manager tree.

From there, you can modify, edit or save the opelist.

Opelist Export.png

Main Options:

Several options are offered on right-clicking on the line 'Operation.OPL'(Opelist name). :

  • Merge this list with an existing one

  • Add a comment that you will read in the Browser.

  • Choose technical parameters that you want to fill each time you open the opelist.

  • Write your internal documentation dedicated to the operator who will use the opelist. Each time the opelist is applied, this documentation is automatically open to give information and advises to the user.

Confirm and give a name to your Opelist.

The given name will be displayed in the machining tree.

Tip: how to modify an Opelist:

Do a right-click on any operation of the machining tree, choose Opelist then Edit, choose the list you want to modify.


For large Opelist directories, the Analyze function now lets you generate a categorized list of all your Opelists. Easily sort the list by clicking on column headers like Directory (folder location), Machine, Material Grade, Typology, and more.

  • Quick Insights: Hover over any operation to see a pop-up with all the cycle sets in the Opelist.

  • Detailed Previews: Hover over an operation’s image to view additional details.

  • Export Options: Save your operation list as an Excel file by clicking the Save button on the right side of the dialog.

  • Edit with Ease: Double-click any Opelist to enter edit mode directly.


You can create a favorites list for your opelists. To create a favorite, simply click on the star, which will turn blue and a new Favorites tab will then be created in the menu, displaying a list of your opelists.


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