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CASM - Tips and Tricks

Occlusal Limit - Axial milling:

Blue Line is to define the STOP surface for occlusal face.

We can rotate this line we have hight Margin line and angulated abutment.

Target is also to reduce machining time - blue line must be close to the area.


Not Correct

Change Stock Diameter - BUG inside the APP

Inside the machine value must be the maximum, then we can change it

Abutment without Connectic

Some STL file arrive without connectic, but we must be sure that alignement is correct.

Abutment without connectic have “small triangle” on the bottom surface do indicate reference position

Do aligment according this triangle - follow video

Have to have predifine view?

Some user wants to have predifine view, is according each user.

We can have 3 predifined view.

User must create hese view.

move the part in the correct “predefined” view N°1 then CRTL+F2

move the part in the correct “predefined” view N°2 then CRTL+F3

move the part in the correct “predefined” view N°3 then CRTL+F4

Then to use the view press F2 or F3 or F4

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