Editor Shortcuts
Definition: list of all the combinations and shortcuts available in the editor:
The useful keys are pointed out on this image.

Right Arrow | To move the cursor one character on the right |
Left Arrow | To move the cursor one character on the Left |
Up Arrow | To move the cursor one line above |
Down Arrow | To move the cursor one line below |
PgUp | To move the cursor one page above |
PgDown | To move the cursor one page below |
Home | To move the cursor at the beginning of the line |
End | To move the cursor at the end of the line |
Insert | To switch between Insert / Replace |
Delete | To delete the character on the right of the cursor |
Backspace | To delete the character on the left of the cursor |
Return/Enter | Insertion of a line at the location of the cursor |
CTRL Right Arrow | To move the cursor one word on the right |
CTRL Left Arrow | To move the cursor one word on the left |
CTRL Home | To move the cursor at the beginning of the file |
CTRL End | To move the cursor at the end of the file |
CTRL Delete | To delete all the characters of the line located on the right of the cursor |
CTRL Backspace | To delete the word located on the left of the cursor |
SHIFT Right Arrow | To select the character on the right of the cursor |
SHIFT Left Arrow | To select the character on the left of the cursor |
SHIFT Home | To select the characters from the start of the line to the cursor |
SHIFT End | To select the characters from the cursor to the end of the line |
SHIFT CTRL Right Arrow | To select the word on the right of the cursor |
SHIFT CTRL Left Arrow | To select the word on the left of the cursor |
SHIFT CTRL Up Arrow | To select the line above the cursor |
SHIFT CTRL Down Arrow | To select the line below the cursor |
SHIFT CTRL Home | To select the characters the start of the file to the cursor |
SHIFT CTRL End | To select the characters from the cursor to the end of the file |
CTRL 'A' | To select all the text |
CTRL 'C' | To copy |
CTRL 'V' | To paste |
CTRL 'X' | To cut |
CTRL 'Z' | To cancel the last action |
CTRL 'Y' | To 'redo' what was cancelled |
CTRL 'N' | To create a new file |
CTRL 'O' | To open a file |
CTRL 'W' | To close the current file |
CTRL 'I' | To insert a file |
CTRL 'S' | To save the current text |
CTRL 'P' | To print the current text |
CTRL 'F' | To launch the search function |
CTRL 'H' | To replace |
CTRL 'G' | To reach a line |
CTRL TAB | To edit the next file |
SHIFT CTRL TAB | To edit the previous file |
CTRL 'Number Pad 5' | To select all the text |
SHIFT CTRL 'A' | To put all the selection in capital letters |
F1 | Online Help |
F3 | To continue the search |
F10 | To activate the options of the menu bar. - The arrows Right/Left/Up/Down enable to navigate in the menus and submenus - Esc: to qui a menu level - enter: to validate the item of the menu |
ALT 0x0aaa | ASCII character (example: if aaa is 065, character is 'A') |
Right Click | Contextual popup |
Left Click | To position the cursor where you click |
Left Click and Hold + Move | To make a selection |
Left Click and Hold on selection + Move | To drag the selection |
Release the Left Click | To drop the selection |
Wheel | PgUp / PgDown |
CTRL + Wheel | Zoom on the text |
Right Click on the VSCROLL | Contextual popup of the scroll |
ALT | To display an underlined letter under each item of the menu bar |
ALT + letter | To select the menu corresponding to the letter |
ALT + letter | To launch the function corresponding to the letter |
ALT + F4 | To quit the editor |