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FAQ - Wire EDM

(question) Question

How can we machine threading die shape in GO2cam?

(tick) Solution

GO2cam allows machining threading dies through a strategy with specific operations by activating the "Threading Die Strategy" option.


Threading die strategy-20240812-122354.png

(question) Question

How to define multiple slugs positions on a geometry and how to do the selection of the slugs for the wire cutting?

(tick) Solution

This concerns large sized or deep parts. In such cases, multiple fastening zones are required to properly support the material. Hence, the machining has to be carried out in multiple zones and with this multiple slugs have to be defined.

The video on the right demonstrates with an example, how to define multiple slugs, how the selection is done for machining and a simulation of the machining process.

Multiple Slugs-20240812-122437.png

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