Lead in and Lead out Arc Radius and Apertures
Cycles: Finish, Finishing B simultaneous, Balanced Finishing, Form Finishing, Finish Groove
These commands allow you to define leadin and leadout arcs on the toolpath.
Lead in arc radius (A)
It allows you to define tangent tool approach on the profile. This value must be greater than the tool radius.
Aperture lead in radius (B)
It allows you to decrease or increase the lead in arc.
Lead out arc radius (C)
It allows you to define tangent tool retract from the profile. This value must be greater than the tool radius.
Aperture lead out radius (D)
It allows to decrease or increase the lead out arc.

A. Lead in arc radius (=5mm)
B. Aperture lead in radius (=90°)
C. Lead out arc radius (=10mm)
D. Aperture lead out radius (=45°)