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Machining Tree


The machining tree is a very complete tool, with 5 main functions :

  • define and choose a machine

  • define and choose a material

  • edit and modify the operations defined

  • move the operations, copy references already used

  • accede to many complementary machining functions

Main rules to use the machining tree

General Use

  • The tree mostly works like the Windows explorer (the 'DEL' key can be used for example)

  • Double-clicking on a line is editing the regarding function

  • The icon display the state of the line ;

e.g : if there is no machine loaded, the icon is red crossed.

Collapse/Expand cycles in the machining tree

Shortcuts enable to collapse and expand the details of data displayed in the Machining Tree.

  • For single cycle: you can use “-” or “/”key to collapse the cycle and “+” key or “*” key to expands the cycle.

  • For multiple data, such as opelists, folders and the whole list of Machining:

    • -” key collapses the branch and “+” key expands it by respecting if contained elements are closed or open.

    • /” key collapses the branch and “*” key expands it and also expands all the contained elements.

Let’s take this situation:

The folder Top Face contains 3 cycles, 1 is expanded:

Machining Tree-Collapse1.png

Pressing “-” or “/”key collapses the folder:

Machining Tree-Collapse2.png

Then, pressing “+” key expands it as it was before…

Machining Tree-Collapse1.png

… while pressing “*” key expands the folder and all the cycles inside:

Machining Tree-Collapse3.png

▶️ You can watch a video on the shortcuts for Collapsing and Expanding the machining tree:

Expand and Collapse Cycles in Machining tree.png


The transparency of the tree is now available dynamically at bottom of the tree.

It is not anymore an ON/OFF option, you can select the ‘strength’ of transparency thanks to the cursor.

  • Consequently, the option of transparency is removed from Tools>Options>Display.

  • The option of ‘Tree on the left-yes or No’ is also removed from Tools>Options>Display.


Drag and Drop Use

Drag and drop is available :

  • on an operation to move it to another location.

  • + ctrl key : on an operation to copy it to another location

  • + ctrl key : on a reference, a strategy and a tool to copy it to another cycle.

These manipulations are manual, which means that you need to tell GO2cam

to re-calculate the operations : click on Update.

Now, you can also perform drag and drop actions while editing an existing cycle.

To edit the tool, you were using:

  • Begin by double-clicking on the cycle you wish to edit.

  • Next, open the tools dialog.

  • Then, simply drag and drop the desired tool from another existing cycle to make the edit.

When you move an element with drag and drop function, the text is transparent and the icon linked to the cursor gives you some information :

the element is moved

the element is copied (ctrl key)

the motion is impossible

▶️ You can watch a video about the application of Drag and Drop for tools:

Tool Selection by dragging and dropping.png

The Wizard can also be used to copy strategies and settings: read the Wizard page.

Right-Click Use

Right-click on a line opens a pop-up which offers different functions depending on the line :

  • Machine

    • Note : if fixed tools have been defined, they are displayed in the machining tree and you can drag and drop them (+ ctrl key) to copy them in a cycle.

  • Material

  • Stock

  • Machining

    • Operation

    • Reference : to edit the reference or copy it

    • Strategy : access to the cycles pages and the copy functions

    • Tool : to edit the tool or copy it.

Copying tool in multiple cycle simultaneously

  • Now, you can switch out a tool with another in a specific set of cycles (previously only possible for one cycle or all cycles).

    To do this, first, gather all cycles into one folder. Then, you have two options:

    • Select the tool and drag it onto the folder while holding Ctrl key.

    • Copy the tool using Ctrl + C and paste it into the folder.

Copy tool in multiple cycle.png

▶️ You can watch a video on Copy/Paste in Machining Tree:

Copy Paste operations in Machining Tree.png

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