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Plunge Mode

Cycle: Back Machining


This option is defined according to the chosen tool. If the tool is chosen first, the correct option is automatically chosen in the strategy page!

 2 different types of tools can realize the back machining operation:

The Indexable insert bar:

Choose Indexable Stop

  • this tool needs an indexable stop, the code is often M19.

The retractable insert bar:

Choose Inverted Rotation

  • the insert goes out of its seat when changing the spindle rotation.

The retractable insert bar:

Choose Stop for tooling

  1. The hole must be drilled​

  2. The tool plunges into the hole. A stop is done.  The insert is mounted.​

  3. Back Machining​

  4. The tool goes down again. The insert is removed​

  5. The tool is retracted.​

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