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Parameters and Geometry Created

1 - Parameter

Stock Diameter

Change value in Machine file then save the machine

Size of the bar diameter

If Abutment is bigger than the diameter we will have error message

Z offset for import

Placement of anatomic area according the Z 0.

Default offset for emergency

With 2shape file emergency point can be find by application. We can add safety distance to this point

Angular Offset to align abutment

According the machine tool, if milling tools are along the X value is 0 if millign tools are along Y value must be 90

Default value of limit for face milling

The default distance between the blue line and the X axis.

Length Max for the face milling

Axial tool have some maximum Z area.

Mode of 4 axis Limit (Absolute / Relative to face Limit)

Absolute can must be negative value

Relative is used to save time and avoid to have 2 tool path on the same area

Generate NC file automatically

NC file is created after calculation inside same folder as STL file

Save PCE file automatically

GO2cam file (PCE) is saved inside same fodler as STL file

Folder contains connectic drilling machining

Specify the folder containing the drilling machining

Folder contains connectic area machining

Specify the folder containing the area machining

Automatic placement of emergancy area

2 - Geometry Created





Stock and 2D Geometry for stock


2D Geometry is used to help create 4-axis solids(Layer 102).


STL file + Connectic area protection + CAP surface on the hole


Solid created on the Face can be used for 4Xs


Facing Line

Can be used for facing operation in turning


Parting Line

Can be used for parting operation in turning (End of STL)


Turning Profil

Based on the STL silhouette without Connectic area plus 5 mm and 120deg

Length and Angle are fixed inside the APP


Limitation for 4xs toolpath

Can be set from parameters dialog for Z starting

End is always at the connectic Area


Turning Profil to machine with a back tool

(Some users used this method to avoid rest machining operation between connectic area and Margin Line)


Point to create CAP surface on the HOLE


Curve to create CAP surface on the Hole


Limit for Milling Re-Roughing at C0 and C180 is according Reworking Line (orange)


Limit for Milling Re-Roughing at C90 and C270 is according Reworking Line (orange) and Connectic Area


Limit for Milling Roughing at C0 and C180 is according Connectic Area


Face to limit Axial Milling


Curve to limit Axial Milling


2D geometry is used for Face to limit Axial Milling(Layer 123)


Point to define Connectic area


Point to define Reworking Area


Line to define Reworking Area


Point to define Axial Milling area


Line to define Axial Milling area


Line to define Connectic Area

1 – CAP surface (Layer #101)

3 – Turning profile (based on the rotary silhouette of the STL file) (Layer #106)

4 – Turning profile is extended 5mm then 30deg until D12mm is created (Layer #106)

2 – 4axis profile for finishing (Layer #107)

4 – Cylinder around the Connecting Area to protect it during 4Xs (Layer #101)

5 – A plane is created every 5°. C0 / C5 / C10 / C15/ C20/ C25….

6 – Working area around the STL (can be used in C0 & C180) – area start from 10 mm in front of stl and stop 1.5 mm behind the emergency line (Layer #122)

7 – 2 working area near margin and manage by limit for reworking (can be used in C0 / C90 / C180 / C270  - area is according Zmin (1.5 mm behind the emergency line) and Zmax (reworking point) - (Layer #120 & Layer #121)

With V2.10.207 new improvement

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