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Slice the Part


New ability to slice the part in the Z axis, to apply the machining cycles on each of the several divided areas along Z.

The command can be accessed with a Right-click on Material in the Machining tree.

This opens a dialog window.

Command Location.PNG
Slice the part window.png

The field for Max section step (Sm) allows to define the maximum length in Z to section the part.

The field for Shoulder (Sh) allows to define a tolerance value for the recognition of shoulders during the section calculation.

On defining the values and executing, a table is generated in the blank space.

You can add(with the Green Cross), delete from the list and even modify the Z slices by changing the values in the table.

These changes will be dynamically applied on the part.

Slice the part window - execution.png

The section cursor can also dynamically be moved on the part just by clicking and dragging it to the required position.

The Z value in the table will adapt accordingly.

Sliced part.PNG

When you validate there is no visible change in the geometry. These information are considered only during the application of an automatic opelist.

The whole opelist cycles are applied on each section, only implementing the compatible cycles per section.

Watch a video on the right showing an example of the command.

Swiss Machining - Slice of Part.png

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