This option facilitates the creation of a table that associates feedrates with specific colors.
During cycle execution, the necessary techno-functions to adjust the feedrate are automatically generated.
It allows for the programming of a single toolpath across an entire shape, incorporating multiple feedrate changes seamlessly.
It does not work if some local stock allowances are defined on the profile.
The principle is to compute the sum of the 3 differences and divide by 3 to get the percent.
Example: RGB255,0,0 (red) and RGB240,100,100 (clear red), as shown on the image.
Computing formula: abs(255-240)/255+abs(0-100)/255+abs(0-100)/255 = 0.8428 0.8428 / 3 * 100 = 28.09% So difference between RGB255,0,0 and RGB240,100,100 is 28.09%.
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