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Total Offset for Tool Clearance

Cycles: Cast, Stock, Cast (Rough Rework), Stock (Rough Rework), PAM


This parameter enables to offset the tool at each machining step. The purpose is to avoid the tool flank to be in contact with part walls.


  • This option is available for vertical walls

  • a limitation profile must be defined.

  • There is no fixed offset value or angle: we define a maxi offset value that is applied at the bottom of the machined shape. All the steps are calculated according to this final value.

  • In the Strategy page of cycle, the Limitation Area must be set to ‘Inside’.

Example of a pocket with one vertical wall and one slope.

A limitation profile is defined.

Total offset for Tool Clearance1.png

From the side, we can notice that a stock allowance is left on the vertical wall. A small retract is defined at each Z step, each retract is a little larger than previous one.

Total offset for Tool Clearance2.png

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