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Transformation Into Hole


Transformation of points, arcs and circles into hole entities with useful information for the machining.

There are 2 types of holes :

  • Standard : normalized holes defined by a diameter, a length and a Z direction. An automatical operation list is created.

  • User Models : Optional module. This is a library of Holes Modes Features with multiple stage and with cycles associated. These models are created by the user.

Notes :

  • it is obligatory to transform points into holes to machine them.

  • when defining the machining operations, to recover the length of the hole, go in strategy page and put the parameter Depth/ref to Entity.

How to assign holes

  1. Selection of the elements : the filters available make the selection a multi-criteria selection :

a. Choose the elements by their types of lines :

Full and dotted lines

Full lines only

Dotted lines only

b. Choose the types of elements to transform :





c. In case of selection of arcs :

Only arcs with a minimum of 180° and concentric to other elements are selected

All the arcs are selected (as included the fillet on the bottom right hand corner)

d. In case of concentric circles and arcs :

Selection of the external element

Selection of the internal element

Selection of all the concentric elements

Choice by diameter

The corresponding field is activated.

You can either type in a value, or click the button 'Diameter' and show an element directly on the draft.

e. Selection by diameter: you can select a range of diameters by typing inferior and superior diameters values.

  1. If the deletion icon is checked, the 2D geometry selected is not kept.

  2. When all the selections you need are done, press the Enter key or do a selection box with all the elements (only the ones chosen before are selected), or click on the elements one by one.

  3. Do a right click and choose Confirm selection.

  4. Answer to the question : Do you want to - Create a standard hole - Choose a model ?

The creation is done : the Holes are created with the current attributes, layer and color so that they can be sorted easily afterwards.

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