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The General Functions

Add file


Import of an STL file.

Multi import

Multiple import of several files.



Positioning of the element inside the disc.

Automatic nesting

Automatically nesting of all elements.

Automatic connectors

Automatic creation and placement of connectors on the element.

Manual connectors

Creation of connectors in 3D on the element.

Management of the cutting of connectors

Selection of the cutting of the connectors.


Sintering support

Creation of sintering stabilizers (exclusively for Zirconia).

Sintering pin

Creation of sintering pins (exclusively for Zirconia elements).

Machining of undercut

Creation of specific working plane to machine the undercut area.

Manual connectors

Creation of connectors in 3D on the element.

Curves on hole

Creation of the 2D geometry of interfaces (exclusively for implants).


Calculation of toolpaths

Calculate the toolpaths.

Deletion of all the toolpaths

Delete all the calculated toolpaths.

Management of tool position

Define tool positions for all the used tools.

NC File

Creation of NC files.


Run the simulation of toolpath to check the collisions.


Compare the results of machining with the imported CAD geometry, to check the gouges and left material.

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