The main function of the commands is to add a GO2cam File or a CAD file on the current PCE file. The main purpose is to add geometry or import a stock shape.
GO2cam File
This command allows to import a .PCE( GO2cam file) on the current PCE file. Behaviour:
the geometry is added, you have to choose where to position it on the current part,
the machining can be recovered if you answer 'Yes' to the corresponding question,
the stock is never taken, we always keep the stock from the current part.
CAD file
This command allows to import a compatible CAD file on the current PCE file. The file is opened with the CAD standard interfaces. There is no automatic positioning, you will have to do it once the part is imported.
Assignment of Solids
This command enables to access to the table of assignment of solids, where you decide whether a solid is the workpiece, the stock, a clamping element or something else. This table is usually accessible while importing a set of solids.
This command, located in the menu File/Add can be useful:
if you canceled the automatic import and want to be back to the assignment step
If you design the workpiece, and design or add the stock (in solid) and other elements such as clamps (still in solid), once all on the screen you can call the table to assign their typology to each of them
You can watch a video showing the use of the Assignment of Solids:
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