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Change Plane

This command in the Edit menu enables to change the workplane of wireframe or solid elements.

2 different modes are available:

By move

The new plane is assigned to the elements, which are moved into the plane.

By projection

The new plane is assigned to the elements, and the elements stay as they are; their coordinates maybe 3D in that new plane.

change plane2.png


If we want to move a solid into a plane, and that the chosen plane was created on a face of the same solid, we forbid this action. The plane is not displayed in the list of possible destination planes.

▶️ You can watch a video showing changing plane:

Change Workplane-20240814-112538.png

  • Change Plane now enables to move a geometry from Reference to Revolution plane. This new option replaces the command Transfer to Turning Plane, which was removed in V6.11.

  • new ability to project geometry from developed plane to prismatic plane. It can be useful in order to create profiles for 4 and 5 axis simultaneous cycles in Reference plane.

change plane-20240411-132016.png

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