The symbols are files exclusively created in GO2cam with the extension *.SYM.
These files are created in 2 different environments accessible from the Homepage:
Forming Tools / Tools Libraries,
Clamping / Toolholders.
Symbols have the characteristic of being used in GO2cam for the management of collisions. Consequently, the toolholders and the components such as vices and clamping elements must be created as symbols.
Several rules have to be applied in the process of creation and are different for the several types of elements:
Whenever you have created a vice or a tool holder and it is used in a PCE file and you want it to include the modifications you have made, you have to do an update of symbols.
You can watch a video showing how to do the update.
Recover Solids from Symbols
Most of the symbols are created by importing a solid CAD file. Once the process of creation is complete and the symbol created, the element is not anymore a solid. We advise you to always keep the original CAD files (such as STEP file, or native file from CAD systems).
But if you lose them or cannot find them anymore, there is a way to recover the solid inside a symbol file. Please watch the following video.
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