When you begin a new part, we advise you to save it with a name from the start. You can use the Save as… (Ctrl+Alt+S) or the Save (Ctrl+S) command. The file is saved with the extension *.PCE.
After this, think about saving frequently the part with the Save command (Ctrl+S).
This behaviour must become a habit when using any software of any type!
Backup Files
We modified the behaviour of 'Backup Files', that are created when saving the .PCE file: the backup file was the file right after the save; now, the backup file is the last version of file before the save.
GO2cam offers 2 possibilities to save files automatically:
Automatic Saving
Anautomatic process of saving is possible in GO2cam. You can define the frequency of saving in the SoftwareConfiguration, in the page Save then Automatic Saving of temporary files. To recover a file already saved, in case of software crash for example, go in the menu File, then choose Recover temporary file.
Video about automatic saving: it was done in V6.09. The dialog has been renew in V6.10, this is why there are some minor changes but the behavior remains the same.
Backup Files
This is another possibility of automatic saving. The principle is to define how many revision files of a part you want to keep and where you want to archive them.
By default, this option is not active. To activate it, go in the Software Configuration then in the page Save.
Here, you find the option 'Number of backup files to keep' with the default value as '0'. Choose the number of saves, 3 for example. Then choose the folder where you want to archive those revision files.
When you save the part with the command ‘Save’ (CTRL+S), a backup file is created with the name of part and an index number (1): partname(1).PCE.
Save the part again, the files with index (2) then (3) are created. When you save it again, for the 4th time, the part with index (1) is deleted, the part with index (2) becomes (1), the part with index (3) becomes (2), the last save is always index (3).
The process goes on like this.
When you load a backup file in GO2cam, for example test(1).PCE, it is automatically renamed test.PCE.
You can watch a video explaining the backup process on the right.
The folder that you define for the archive of backup files is protected: you cannot save manually a file in this folder.
Special option: Save in the same directory as the imported file
This option allows you to save the .PCE file in the same directory as the imported file.
By default, it saves the .PCE file in GO2cam directory folder named Data.
To save it automatically in the same directory as the imported file you:
You access the Software configuration [1]
Go in the page save [2]
Check [3]the box at save in the same directory as the imported file.
You can watch a video to understand the steps:
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