A view is a position in which we see the part. The views offered by default are relative to the Reference plane : REFERENCE is the Top view, then Isometric (3D view) and Front and Side views. When a workplane is created, a view is automatically created with the same name, and this is the Top view of this plane.
List of views
There are several ways to open the list of views:
on the interactive system of axis, with a right-click on the origin.
the access can also be done in the menu Display/ List of Views
A shortcut is available with the key F8.
You can also access the various views through keyboard shortcuts.
These shortcuts only work with the numerical pad keys. You need to press F7 to toggle the shortcut on or off then press the numbers accordingly to switch to the required views.
If you use any other command, the shortcut is automatically toggled off and you need to press F7 again to re-activate it.
F7 + 1
Face view
You can watch a video demonstrating these shortcuts:
F7 + 2
Bottom view
F7 + 3
Inverted ISO view
F7 + 4
Left view
F7 + 5
Isometric view
F7 + 6
Right view
F7 + 7
Back view
F7 + 8
Reference view
F7 + 0
Switch from a view to the next one
inversion of the current view
You can watch a video demonstrating the inversion key:
PAN/Translation and Rotation of Views
To move or rotate a workpiece across the screen, you can toggle the action by either pressing the F7 key or by pressing the scroll button of your mouse.
The pointer changes to a hand symbol after which you can:
Left-Click and hold to rotate the workpiece
Right-Click and hold to PAN/Translate across the screen
You can watch a video showing the PAN/Translate in action:
The users views
Users views are now saved by product (not anymore in the PCE file). They appear in the List of views.
The users views can be used in dynamic simulation.
Create customized views.
You simply need to position the part on the screen as you wish, with the zoom scale that you need, then press the keys Ctrl and F2 simultaneously.
The view created is accessible with ‘F2’ key and also from the list of views and is called ‘User view1 (F2)’.
It is possible to create 3 views, by using the key Ctrl and the keys F2, F3 and F4.
▶️ You can watch a video demonstrating the creation and usage of user views:
▶️ You can watch a video on Users Views, Tools Visibility, Customize menu & Shortcut for Visibility options:
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