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Creation of Form Tools and Form Inserts


GO2cam offers the ability to create specific form tools and form inserts, as symbols (*.SYM file format).

The commands for their creation are accessible in the environment ‘Tools Libraries / Form tools’.

Form Tool

Form Drill

Form Insert

Form Insert of Threading Tool

Form Insert of Whirling Tool


Swiss Machining Tool


Standard Tool

Rules of Creation

The method of creation is to define the 2D section of the element, which can be drawn in GO2cam or imported from a CAD software. The method described below is the same for all the the tools and also the toolholders.

The menu Wireframe gathers the 2D command necessary for the creation of the geometrical profile. The profile must follow precise rules:

  • the origin of the workplane is the piloted point of the created element,

  • for the revolution shapes, it is obligatory to draw only on the X+ side and not to close the geometry on the rotary axis,

  • for the shapes created by extrusion, the shape must be absolutely closed.

Specific Toolholder

Specific Insert

Complete Process

The process of creation is the same for all types of form tools and form inserts. You can create symbols by designing the shape directly in the specific environment or you can extract the form shape from the final workpiece.

Below, you can watch 2 videos dealing with the creation of a Form Insert dedicated to the machining of grooves on a lathe.

Design of a Form Insert

Form Tool - Process Creation.png

Form Tool - Process Creation

Recovery of the shape from the workpiece CAD model

Form Tool - From Workpiece.png

Form Tool - From workpiece

Process for Swiss Machining Tool


In the environment dedicated to symbols creation: a new function, Swiss machining tool is accessible under Creation menu.

The whole process for the creation of Swiss machining form tools is now a wizard with the creation steps following one after the other making it more seamless.

  • Import the solid part

  • To launch the wizard, simply click on the GO button.

  • Define the reference 0 ;axes of toolholder setup with respect to the machine ( Rule: X axis should point away from direction of machining)

  • Define axes for reference 1 for the insert pilot point. ( Rule: X axis should be in the direction of the shank).

  • Select the face of insert to define its profile and define the thickness value of the insert. The profile is automatically subtracted from the insert by the thickness value given and redefined as the insert cutter.

  • The User is prompted to save the file information as a .OUF in the forme directory.

  • The tool in automatically generated and ready to be used.

Four files have been automatically created:

  1. The tool file : XX.T09

  2. The XML file: XX.OUF

  3. The attachment file: XX.A64

  4. The symbol file: XX.sym

Help  - Tooling - Swiss machine form tool-20250219-111833.png
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