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Drilling Type

Cycle: Drilling


This function allows you to carry out three types of drilling:

  • simple

  • deburring

  • chip break

  • Simple: it is a one pass drilling cycle.
    The ISO code generates a simple hole cycle (usually a G81).

  • Deburring: it is a several passes drilling cycle with tool back off.
    The ISO code generates a cycle corresponding to a drilling with deburring.

  • Chip breaking: it is a several passes drilling cycle with a slight draw-back of the tool.
    The ISO code generates a cycle corresponding to a drilling with chip breaking.

For Simple type, you can define the Leadin Depth for which the Leadin for the drilling cycle is carried out at a different feedrate (Leadin Feedrate defined in the Technology page.)

You can define a Leadin Rotation speed in the Technology page. In the Strategy page, the Leadin Depth must have a value, else Leadin Feedrate and Leadin rotation are grayed out.

If you select deburring or chip breaking, more parameters appear:

  • Deburring Distance: to retract further and facilitate the retract chip and the coolant fluid.

  • Z Step: corresponds to the cutting of the total depth. If the incremental depth is greater than the maximum depth of pass of the tool,  GO2cam displays a warning message.

  • Dwell: the value corresponds to the dwell in second on each increment.

  • Depth of Last Pass.: it is the value of the last pass. If the first increment value is different from the last increment, the cycle is done in decreasing passes.

  • Incr. retract.: it is the retraction distance between each incremental plunging.

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