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Gouge Check in 5X Expert


The Gouge Check function in Go2Cam ensures toolpath safety by preventing collisions between the tool and the workpiece or other components. It involves various parameters and strategies, including tilt, retract, and clearance options.


Tilt Strategies

Adjusts tool orientation to avoid collisions.

  • Lead/Lag Angle: Tilts tool relative to surface normal.

  • Side Tilt Angle: Tilts tool to the side relative to cutting direction.

  • Automatic: Automatically calculates optimal tilt angle.


Check Geometries

Defines the surfaces used for collision detection.

  • Drive Surfaces: Automatically checked surfaces to prevent damage.

  • Check Surfaces: User-defined surfaces for additional collision checks.

  • Tolerances:

    • Check tolerance: Accuracy for gouge detection.

    • Stock to leave: Clearance distance between tool and check surfaces.

Retract Strategies

Defines how the tool moves away from the workpiece to avoid collisions.

  • Retract Along Tool Axis: Retracts tool along its axis.

  • Retract Along Surface Normal: Retracts tool along drive surface normal.

  • Retract Along Tool Contact Line: Retracts tool along its contact line with the drive surface.

  • Retract Along Tool Plane: Retracts tool within its tool plane.

  • Retract Along X, Y, and Z Direction: Retracts tool in specified directions.

  • Retract Away from Origin: Retracts tool away from the origin.

  • Drop Tool Down: Projects toolpath onto check surface.

  • Rotate: Rotates toolpath to avoid collisions.

  • Smooth Retracts: Creates smoother toolpath transitions.


Collision Handling

Manages collisions that cannot be resolved by tilt or retract strategies.

  • Trim and Relink: Trims colliding toolpath segments.

  • Stop Toolpath Calculation: Stops toolpath generation at first unresolved collision.

  • Report Collisions: Reports collisions without attempting to avoid them.

  • Remaining Collisions: Options to keep, trim, or stop toolpath at collisions.

These additional features provides additional control and flexibility for gouge checking.

  • Check gouge between positions: Checks for collisions between toolpath positions.

  • Extend tool to infinity: Extends tool geometry for improved collision detection.

  • Check link motions for collisions: Checks for collisions during link movements.

  • Check link motions against containment: Ensures links stay within defined containment areas.

  • Check tool tip: Deactivates gouge checking for tool tip radius.

  • Tool Clearance: Applies clearance to tool components (shaft, arbor, holder).

  • Advanced Tilt Control: Offers more control over automatic tilting.

  • Advanced Retract Options: Provides additional retract options and parameters.

Gouge Check.png

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