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Open Area on Profile


This command allows the definition of an open pocket on a profile.

By default, on selecting a profile, that profile is considered closed. As such, any machining carried out will be within or outside the profile. This can be easily detected as the Green color of the profile line.

Using the command, you can manually select the elements of the profiles required one by one. The selected elements will turn to Purple indicating that this element will be considered as an open section of the profile. The cutting tool will enter and leave the workpiece at the open section.

You can also, if required, click on the selection bubble to completely turn the profile purple hence switching it to a completely open profile.


New Possibility to Close (Locally or Totally) an Open Pocket Feature

The "open area on profile" function, is now also taken into account for features.

This can help mitigate risks of tool collision.

To close an element of the feature, simply click on the corresponding face of the feature.

Similar to profiles, you can change the state of an entire area instead of clicking element by element:

  • Shift + Click on two elements: Opens/closes all elements between the selected ones.

  • Clicking on the bubble: Toggles the entire feature.

Note: There is a restriction compared to profiles—only elements that were initially open in the feature can be closed (and reopened if needed). If a face cannot be modified, it will appear in red when hovered over.

Help  - Milling Features - Manual Close Profiles-20250218-101159.png

▶️ You can watch a video here showing the definition of an open element on a profile and how is changes the machining toolpath of the cycle:

Definition of Open Pockets.png

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