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Part Analysis

The command only works on solids: it enables, if a single solid part is present, to automatically recover all the shapes going through to the opposite face just by launching the command.

Recognition of Profiles

Dies and Punches are recognized, and also all other shapes such as cylinders, constant and evolutive tapers, 4 axis shapes.

A tree is created to visualize and analyze the shapes and it also offers some commands, such as the automatic threading on the profiles.

You can deactivate/activate the profiles from the tree to hide or show them on the screen.

The profile definition is accessible from the tree of profiles, in order to create a profile after having defined a  Z section.

When a profile is created by a Z section, the profile definition enables to choose whether it is a die or a punch shape.

The maxi taper angle allow you to avoid chamfers but still recognize collets.

Faces with different Z levels are also recognized.

▶️ You can watch a video demonstrating the manual usage of this command:

Profile recognition in wire edm.png

▶️ You can watch a video on maxi taper angle and Faces with different Z levels:

Recognition of Profiles-20240814-111410.png


The concept of Typology has been included into the definition of Strategies. During the creation or modification of a strategy, right-click on it to access the Typology command.

Several types are available:

  • Straight cut for cylinders

  • Taper cut for cylinders

  • Straight Cut (any shape)

  • Taper cut (any shape)

  • Evolutive taper

  • 4 axis machining.


For straight and taper cut profiles, two types are available, one for any shape (Straight Cut, Taper Cut and the other for cylinders ( Straight Cylinder, Tapered Cylinder). This allows to differentiate between the shapes and define separate strategies.

A Max diameter and Min diameter can also be defined for cylinder types. This helps to better categorize and group the cylinder typology cycles in the machining tree.

Typology max dia.PNG

The strategy Typology window allows to define the automation rule for the selection of strategy during part analysis.

This greatly simplifies the process as such:

  • Load the part.

  • Launch the automatic part analysis. The strategies are automatically applied for each profile based on the Typology defined.

  • Carry out the automatic threading.

  • Execute to calculate the machining.

Part analysis.png

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