The MTE module includes a feature called WanaGO (Workshop Analysis) that automates machine selection. This process considers the part's programming, required tools, and workshop data.
The core concept is to program a part without specifying tools or a machine. WanaGO then analyzes available machines to find the best fit.
To use WanaGO:
Click the "Machine" tab followed by the "GO" button.
WanaGO performs a two-step analysis:
Kinematics: Compares machine capabilities to part requirements.
Tooling: Matches available machine tools to part's tool needs.
Machine Selection:
Scans the machine directory for compatible options based on machining type (turning or milling), spindle usage, and axis requirements.
Compares part tools to machine's fixed tools, identifying exact matches and potential substitutes.
Essentially, WanaGO streamlines machine selection by evaluating both machine capabilities and tool availability.
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