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The MTE module includes a feature called WanaGO (Workshop Analysis) that automates machine selection. This process considers the part's programming, required tools, and workshop data.

The core concept is to program a part without specifying tools or a machine. WanaGO then analyzes available machines to find the best fit.


To use WanaGO:

  1. Click the "Machine" tab followed by the "GO" button.

  2. WanaGO performs a two-step analysis:

    • Kinematics: Compares machine capabilities to part requirements.

    • Tooling: Matches available machine tools to part's tool needs.

  3. Machine Selection:

    • Scans the machine directory for compatible options based on machining type (turning or milling), spindle usage, and axis requirements.

    • Compares part tools to machine's fixed tools, identifying exact matches and potential substitutes.

Essentially, WanaGO streamlines machine selection by evaluating both machine capabilities and tool availability.

MTE - wanaGO Improved Sorting.png

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