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Coolant in machining processes is a specialized fluid used to cool and lubricate cutting tools and workpieces during various machining operations. Its key functions include dissipating heat to prevent overheating, providing lubrication to reduce friction and tool wear, aiding in chip evacuation, preventing corrosion, improving surface finish and reducing friction-induced vibration.

Different types of coolants are chosen based on the material and process requirements, and they are delivered to the machining zone through various methods to optimize their effectiveness in enhancing machining efficiency, quality, and safety.

Defining Coolant

There are three ways to define coolant numbers in GO2cam:

  1. Either directly in each operation, in the technology page

  1. Or in the List of Operations

In the List called Tool, you can find a column called ‘Coo.’ for Coolant. You can enter the numbers easily for each operation.


A new ability in V6.11: multiple copy of coolant number, by a right-click in the cell.

  • in all the cycles using the same tool

  • in all the selected cycles; the operations are first seleted with Ctrl or Shift key

Coolant multiple.png
  1. You can also define the coolant number directly in the Tool, when the tool is defined as fixed in the machine.

But to be taken, the techno page of each operation must be set to 1.

▶️ You can watch a video showing these 3 methods:


Predefined coolant numbers

You can define your customized predefined list of coolant numbers.

  • Create a machine file (e.g: my_machine.MCF)

  • Be sure that the operations with fixed tools have the coolant defined to 1

  • Then, enter a coolant number in the fixed tool (or enter a comment, or define an origin name)

Automatically, in the folder ‘mac’, a file my_machine.cfg is created. It enables to configure the machine comments, origins and coolants.

→ Once the cfg file created, a predefined list is accessible in the Technology page.

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