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Groove Feature



The Groove feature enables to design standard or customized grooves with assigned opelists.

Presentation of Dialog

In the Groove Feature, you can find:

  1. Standard Setting: The command has a default setting that complies with the ‘DIN standard’, ensuring that groove dimensions, angles, radii, and tolerances meet industry norms and regulations.

  2. Customized Settings: The command allows users to customize groove parameters according to their specific requirements. This includes the ability to adjust parameters such as groove width, depth, angle, radii, chamfer dimensions, and tolerances.

  3. Assigning Opelist: The command integrates with an Opelist, which is a list of machining operations required to produce a part. This ensures that the groove operation is properly sequenced within the manufacturing process.

  4. Saving and Loading User Preferences: The command provides options for users to save their customized groove settings as presets for future use, and to load previously saved presets.


By incorporating these features, the new command can offer both standard-compliant groove generation and flexibility for customized machining requirements, enhancing user productivity and efficiency

How to work with Opelist ?

Here is the workflow to define an Opelist and use it in the Groove Feature command

Create the Opelist

From the Text Menu, use Opelist > Create to create an empty Opelist. Rename it, and use right click to add a Direct Groove operation (Add > Turning > Grooving > Direct)

See Opelists Manager for more details about Opelist creation

Set Opelist parameters

Right click on the Opelist name to access the Opelist parameters.

Click on Formula button to display advanced parameters

Click on Feature to display feature parameters and right click on the parameter list to add a parameter


Then add 2 distance parameters, Width and Radius, and set their KEY fields with WIDTH and RADIUS


Finally, in the Groove Cutter parameters, link the Cutter width and the Insert radius to the previously created feature parameters


Click on Validate to confirm the parameters and close the dialog window.

Then click on Validate in the Opelist Manager to save your Opelist.

Use the Opelist

Once created, the Opelist is visible in the Groove Feature command and can be selected. Groove parameters can now be link to the Opelist feature parameters WIDTH and RADIUS, in order to set the Cutter width and the Insert radius.



The groove machining can now be simply added to the machining list by using Turning > Part > 2d Features

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