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Machining operation that consists in creating combination of horizontal, vertical or crossing lines on the surface of material.

The operation is performed for producing indentations on a part of a workpiece. Knurling allows hands or fingers to get a better grip on the knurled object than would be provided by the originally smooth metal surface.

Key Points

Knurling tools can be one roll or two rolls (as shown in the sample on the right).

We can pilot either Left, Center or Right position of the roll.

Then 2 types of motions are possible, straight path or by pecking move.

Strategy Parameters

Dialog Area




Knurling type

Machining Strategy

Machining depth

Lead in distance

Final dwell

Dwell unit

Lead out distance

Movement Parameters

Dialog Area


Approach and Return Characteristics

Safety distance

Technology Parameters

Dialog Area


Cutting Conditions


Cutting Speed

Spindle speed

Speed range

Feedrate in Z


Feedrate in X

Spindle direction

Maxi spindle speed

Specific coolant

Coolant number

Tool Numbering

Tool number

Specific Number

Radius compensation number

Length compens. nb

User information


Control Device

Machining Set

Options Parameters

Dialog Area


Management of collisions

Gouge check on stock

Offset XY

Safety Area

Offset Z

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