2 ways to run the commands Move[1] and Duplicate [2].
In the menu Edit
By right-clicking on the entity to be moved or duplicated.
Edit Menu:
Right-Click popup menu:
Dialog Boxes
Selection Tab:
You can select the element(s) by clicking on them and it shall appear in the selection box.
Here, you can choose the element according to the type of solid (Wireframe, Solid or both) and the mode to Move/Duplicate the geometry. For different modes, you would have to input different corresponding values.
Move geometry
Several modes are available, including many new features:
-Simple Move: this option allows the movement of the element(s) according to the mode chosen to the desired position.
-Move with design history kept: this option make it possible for the selected element(s) to have a link to all construction previously made.
You can watch a video on move geometry:
Duplicate geometry
Several modes are available:
By vector
By direction and length
Around a point
Around an axis
By line
By point and face
Linear Pattern
Circular Pattern
Axis system to Axis System
The result can be:
-Simple Move: this option allows the movement of the element(s) according to the mode chosen to the desired position.
-Move with design history kept: this option make it possible for the selected element to have a link to all construction previously made.
-Copy with link with original entity: the geometry which has been duplicated will not be editable as it dependent on the original feature. If ever any change is made to the original entity, the dependent one will be modified accordingly.
You can watch a video where we use the Scale option to place the title block: (double-click in the video to enlarge it!)
Behaviour of the move and duplicate commands:
the elements selected can be sorted out by type,
you can apply one move and keep the selection to add another move.
A new pre-visualization effect allows the user to see the changes.
You can also easily interact with the interface element or you can click the point or the arrow to move it dynamically.
For linear pattern in Mode (Duplicate geometry), you can choose ‘X’ and ‘Y’ axis by clicking any axis or geometry. 2 colors, yellow and clear blue, are applied to visualize them on the screen.
An arrow for direction is given, a click in the dialog enables to invert easily the direction.
Clicking on Apply allows multiple successive transformation without closing the dialog box.
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