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3D Display


This page allows you to configure:

  • Light source parameters,

  • Advanced Graphic Options.

In GO2cam, we use Open GL application to calcule the rendering of the screen.

Want to know more about OpenGL? Click here!

Light source

By these values, we define how the light will be applied in the screen. The light source is composed of 3 values, described below. The last image is one final model of rendering.

Ambient: general lighting of a scene.

Diffuse: directional impact of the light.

Specular: simulates the bright spot of a light that appears on shiny objects.

One final model of rendering combining the 3 options (Phong model)

light source.png
light source1.png
light source2.png
light source3.png

Advanced Graphic Options

  • Ticking in the box next to Activate the advanced graphics, will give you a better display of the workpiece. It also gives access to next option:

    • Activate the realistic effects: enables to display the closest shadows (high consumer of resources).

  • You can also Activate antialiasing : these are techniques to display on screen smoother edges of 3D elements.

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