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Solid Analysis: Planes


Information and devices regarding the planes of the analyzed solid. The planes analyzed are displayed in a table.

Zoom selection : when an element (hole, face etc.) is selected in the list, if you can not localize it on the solid, click this button to make a zoom on it.

Information : click this icon, and click any element on the solid to get information on it ; you get its coordinates and values and you can localize it in the list of elements where it is underlined.

Workplane : to know in which workplane the analysis is done.

Planes Table:

A reference number is given to each of them and the corresponding Z altitude is shown.

When you click the lines of the table, the planes are highlighted on the solid.

Using Ctrl and Shift keys (like in any tree in windows), you can select several planes at the same time.

Extra Functions : accessible with a right-click on a line :

  • Zoom on the selected plane.

  • Creation of the edges of the selected plane.

Operations on the planes:

Profile : you can show a 2D profile to limit the list to the planes included in the profile.

Deletion : you can delete a plane from the list (useful to create altitudes lists, read the corresponding chapter) .

Reinitialization : after deletion or addition of planes, you can initialize the list.

Adding planes: you can add a plane in the list by 2 different ways :

  • Click on [2] and then show an edge or an intersection on the solid, the corresponding Z plane is added in the list.

  • You can also directly type in a value in the 'Altitude' field and then click on [3] to add this altitude in the list.

Visualization: click on [1] to launch the section visualization.

These functions are explained in 'Visu Section in Dynamics' chapter.

Altitudes Lists:

Note : A list called 'Liste #1' is created by default, with all the planes created by the analysis.

This device is very useful for shape machining : you have the ability to force the tool to pass at any Z altitude you want.

  1. Delete the useless planes in the list so that you can see only the planes you want. As explained above, you can also add some planes manually.

  2. Then type in a name in the 'Name' field and press Enter key.

  3. Then click on [4] to save the list and add it on the table.

You can create as many lists as you need on your part.

These lists are used when defining the List of altitudes parameter in the Strategy page of the shape machining cycles. To find out more about the parameter, click on this link.

Watch this video showing the use of the Altitude lists.

List of Altitudes-20241018-113417.png


In the strategy page of the Automatic cycles, you can find a parameter called 'List of altitudes' where you can choose the list you need, or no list if not necessary.

Whatever is the value of the Z pass, the tool will have passes done on the altitudes defined in the chosen list.

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