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Edit Colors


Edit colors enables to change the colors of a whole solid and of solid faces individually.

This command is only accessible by popup: do a right-click on the solid to be modified.


We can consider that a solid has 2 types of colors:

  • a general color: it is assigned to all faces of solid,

  • faces colors: each face can have its own specific color.

Description of dialogue

When you right-click on the solid and choose Edit Colors, a dialogue is open and displays the list of solid faces: each face has an internal ID number and the general color of solid.

On top, we can find the 2 main options:

  • General color of solid: click the color icon to get into the palette and choose a new color for the whole solid.

  • Reset color of faces: this button enables to apply the general color to all faces if some of them were colored with a specific color.

Other complementary options:

Edit Colors1.png

Icon 02.png

Information about a face: click this option then click a face on the solid or on the list to get information about it (origin, angle, etc.)

Icon 03.png

Zoom Selection: when you click a face in the list, it enables to zoom close to this face and check its position.


Choice of solid: if several solids are present in the screen, you can switch from one solid to another.

To change faces colors

2 ways to do it:

  • select the faces in the list and do a right-click to open the colors palette,

  • or select the face by clicking it directly on the solid and do a right-click to open the colors palette.

In both cases you can do a multiple selection by using the CTRL key of keyboard.

When the new color is assigned to the face(s), the colors also change in the list and the checkbox ‘Attributes’ is ON. If you set it OFF, the faces are back with the general color.

Edit Colors2.png

Edit Colors.png

You can watch a video about Edit Colors:

  • Description of dialogue,

  • Change general color,

  • Change multiple colors of faces,

  • Reset the colors,

  • Description of complementary options.

Applications on Solid Colored Faces

There are several interesting applications:

  • In HMF module, you can create holes templates with dedicated colors: red for tapping holes features, blue for reaming holes features, etc. If the solid has the same colors defined on cylinders, the holes features can be applied automatically.

  • with Opelists, you can also automatize the machining by defining rules according to the faces colors! Please read more about it and watch a video: Opelists Automatical References.

  • In Turning, the finishing operation can be programmed with several feedrates according to the colors of solid faces! A video shows this feature in the What’s New Page.

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