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Edit Wireframe Geometry


This command enables to modify a geometric element already designed.

Several ways to access to ‘Edit element’:

  • choose Edit element in the text menu Edit

  • right-click on the chosen element, then choose Edit element in the popup menu

  • right-click on the background, choose Edit Element in the popup menu then click the element to modify.

Geometric entities with names are displayed with their names in the title during editing.


GO2cam implements parametric design principles in the creation process. As a geometrical element is created, the history of creation is kept in a database. This methodology makes it possible for the selected element to have a link to all construction previously made.

Parameterizing is a powerful functionality of GO2cam, you can find more information about it by clicking here!

The parametric relationships between the elements in 2D geometry is defined by a series of points that can be manipulated to modify the entity as shown below:

Link [Blue]

Linked to another radius and will reflect any changes carried out on the original. This link can be broken by clicking on the lock icon upon selecting it.

Locked Point [Red]

The initial point through which all others are linked. Displacing this point will move the whole structure.

Selected [Purple Outline]

The current point that is selected.

Free Point [Green]

Can be moved freely without affecting the other points.

Radius of an Arc

Below are the steps to edit the arc element:

  1. Right-Click on the Element to edit

  2. Select Edit Element.

  1. Type in the new value in the radius field.

  2. Click on the green tick to validate.

▶️ You can watch a video on editing the radius of an arc:

Edit the radius of an arcs.png

Editing a Fillet

Below is an example video showing how to edit a fillet.

▶️ You can watch a video on editing a fillet:

Edit Wireframe Fillets .png

Color of Editing Element

As from V6.11, the colors of an element being edited and the elements after are distinct. These colors can be user defined in Tools> options> Theme.

For more information, check the page Theme.

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