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This page is dedicated to the customization of the colors theme in the software.

The theme includes:

  • The background colors, with the ability to display them with shading,

  • The colors of menus and toolbars,

  • The colors of highlighted and selected commands,

  • The colors of menus texts,

  • The colors of some miscellaneous elements, such as the profiles, the unbounded elements, the colors of selection, etc.

Theme Window v611 -01.png

Creation of Theme

  • A list of themes is available in a combo box.

Each product (GO2cam Production, GO2cam Operator, GO2cam Designer) has its own theme and we also offer 2 themes for the layout of part, with white background and black background. Finally, you can choose the ‘Default theme’ to reset the options to the original values.

These themes cannot be modified or deleted!

  • To create a theme, you need to click on the ‘Add’ icon (green cross).

Then, choose the colors for each type of element by clicking the corresponding color icon. Finally, click Validate to exit the options dialogue, and the theme will be created.

Clicking Save on the bottom of page will save the full set of options, not the theme!

Theme Window v611.png

Special case: we have a color for the opposite side of the solid faces. Consequently, if faces are missing when importing a solid, we see the ‘inside’ of the solid, with this color.

This entity Back of Solid Faces also controls the color for the option Back faces with different color for surfaces

▶️ You can watch a video on Solid Faces color :

Backface Color.png

As from V6.11, two new colors of entities have been added.

Edited element: the element that is being edited changes to the set color (in this case Yellow)

Elements after the edited elements: all the elements that come after the element being edited change to the set color(in this case green) as shown in the image below

Color for Edited elements.PNG

Be careful with the choice of some of these colors: for example the axis in white will not be visible with clear background colors!

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