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This page offers options dedicated to the recognition and calculation of holes.

We have three sections in this page:

  • Useful parameters

  • Automatical Recognition on a Solid Model

  • Useful files

Useful parameters

Through holes: Z offset value

This value is the Z overcutting value when machining a through hole. This value is used as the default value while defining standard holes.

Display of hole characteristics

You can select whether or not, you want to display on the screen the diameter and depth values of a hole.

Automatical Recognition on a Solid Model

Maxi diameter of holes

The cylindric faces which diameter is inferior or equal to this value will be considered as holes.

Allow models with no chamfer nor fillet

You can choose the models that have no chamfer nor fillet.

Useful Files

Std Tapping/Counter Boring

*.csv files used for the creation of standard holes.

Reaming quality

*.csv files used for the creation of standard holes.

Machining Operations

*.csv files defining the machining cycles used in the standard holes

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