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Server Installation

Several steps are necessary to install and configure the server for a floating licences system:

  1. Installation of server: installation of Lmtools, the utility used to manage the server,

  2. Settings of Windows Firewall: definition of the rules to allow the communication between the server and the client PCs.,

  3. Copy & Configuration of licence files: dedicated licence file must be generated to manage the server,

  4. Configuration of LmTools to create and configure the services.

After that, next steps are to:

  • Create and manage 'LAN files' on clients' PCs

  • Resolve possible issues

Most of time, this installation is driven by Customer’s IT responsible, to ensure the safety of the company’s network and open the necessary rights in the network. In all the cases, we advise to refer to the company’s IT and install the system with his support.

1. Install the Server PC

Lmtools is the utility used to manage the server: the setup file is GO2floatingTools_LmTools_Setup.exe

You can download it from the Web Portal, in the menu Software > Setup/Update > Other.

Supported OS:

Windows 10 / Windows 11

Windows server 2019 and 2022.

Floating V610-V611.png

Warning about V6.10 and V6.11 versions

To run GO2cam V6.10 and GO2cam V6.11 on the same client computer with floating licences, we need 2 different PCs that will be used as servers of licences. If we use one only server, the user computer will not be able to open GO2cam V610!

Note: this limitation is due to the change of licence structure in V611. It will occur only between versions 6.10 and 6.11.

A single server is capable of deploying both V6.09 and V6.10 versions. A single server will be used for version 6.11 and future version 6.12!

This system of floating licences enables to work with infrastructures type VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastucture). More information:

After installation, follow the next instructions for server configuration.

2. Define Settings of Windows Firewall

Open Windows Firewall.

Configuration Panel / System and Security / Windows Firewall. Then click Advanced Parameters.

In Windows firewall, two new rules have to be added for incoming traffic. Click Inbound Rules, then New Rule

Rule 1: Allow Communication between Server and Clients

To do so, we need to open ports 27000 to 27009 in TCP mode.

Follow the dialogs by respecting the settings.

  1. Select ‘Port'

Click Next >

  1. Click TCP then select Specific local ports: enter 27000-27009

Ports 27000 to 27009 are ports used by default by Flexera system, this is why we advise to use them.

Click Next >

  1. Select Allow the connection

Click Next >

  1. Click Domain and Private

Click Next >

  1. Type a name for the rule. Here we wrote GO2-Flex-Lmtools.

The description is facultative.

Click Finish.


Rule 2: Allow Communication between GO2cam and Server

For this, open port 59003 in TCP mode to allow communication with gotocam.exe daemon.

Follow the dialogs by respecting the settings.

  1. Select ‘Port'

Click Next >

  1. Click TCP then select Specific local ports: enter 59003

Click Next >

  1. Select Allow the connection

Click Next >

  1. Click Domain and Private

During this installation, if you notice that the connection is running with the option ‘Public’, it means that the network of the company is public, which should not be possible! Please refer it to IT!

Click Next >

  1. Type a name for the rule. Here we wrote GO2-daemon-gotocam.

The description is facultative.

Click Finish.


3. Copy and Configure Licence File

  • Your local reseller generated the necessary licence(s) (machine ID of the server can be found in the Lmtools dialog, in System Settings)

  • Copy the licence(s) file(s) in server folder installation in the directory >licenses.

There may be several licences files, in case of different configurations of licences (1 milling and 1 turning for instance).

  • Open the licence file to modify the following lines to allow LAN communication:

    • On « SERVER » line, add server port communication: 27000.

    • On « VENDOR » line, add the « daemon » port communication with following syntax: port= 59003.

You can use other ports, simply open these ports in firewall in replacement of 27000 to 27009 and 59003.

  • In debug folder, create an ascii file and name it GO2ServDebug.log. This file will record everything happening on the server.

In case of multiple licences, you may want to concatenate the multiple files into one only *.LIC file, for an easier management. In that case, you must be careful and write the SERVER and VENDOR lines only once!

4. Configure Lmtools (licences server)

Start the application Lmtools.exe

  • on the first page, click « Configuration using services »

  • Verify that « LMTOOLS ignores licence file path environment variables » is unchecked.

If the server is used to manage several software, Lmtools can manage different variables. Do not check this box.


On Config Services page, fill service parameters:

  • Service Name : enter the name of the service (here GO2camServ)

  • Using buttons browse, give the lmgrd.exe path. (Lmgrd is in installation folder of lmtools).

  • Then give the path to the licence file: here you must select the licence file. But, if you have several files, click one of them, validate, then erase the name in the field to finally have Services only

  • Then give the path to the debug log file.

  • Check the boxes Use Services then Start Server at Power Up.

  • Click on Save Service button to save this configuration and create windows service.

A message box will appear to indicate that the log file is not in appropriate folder. Do not worry, it is only a warning.

The next step is to configure the service as a local service on windows server. For this:

  • Open the computer’s Task manager, then go to the page Services ( last tab in W10, last line in the tree in W11)

  • Find and click the button ‘Open Services’ (bottom of page in W10, top right corner in W11)

In services manager, find the service created with Lmtools (GO2camServ).

  • Do a right-click on it and open Properties dialog box.

  • In General page, choose Automatic startup type of service.

  • In Log On page, check the box Local system account.


Go back to Lmtools

  • Select the page Start/Stop/Reread page and click on Start Server.

  • The server should start and show successful message at the bottom of the dialog box.

Update a Licence File

When a licence is modified (add of a module or an option), we need to inform the system about it.

  • Generate and download the updated licence file, copy it into the Lmtools folder ‘licenses'

  • Run Lmtools.exe and go to Config Services

    • Click Save Service

    • ‘Path to the license file’: click Browse to re-select the licence updated

  • Go to Page Start/Stop/Reread

    • Click Reread License File

    • Click Stop Server

    • Click Start Server

The server should start and show successful message at the bottom of the dialog box.


Following steps

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