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NC File - MTE

Once you've double-checked everything and made sure there are no collisions during machining. Open "NC File" menu to generate the NC code using your chosen post processor.

Plus, you can easily create workshop documentation for machining setup . Choose the Standard option for a basic document or use models you've already created for a more personalized one.


NC File

This command allows you to generate an NC code.


Standard Workshop Document

This command enables to edit one or several predefined documents:

  • in the Excel File Format (*.xls), with editable pages,

  • in the 3D PDF File Format, which enables to move dynamically part and tools.


User Workshop Document

The User Workshop Document command allows to generate a workshop documentation by making use of the custom user created document model.

Creation of a model/template is done through the users Workshop Document module accessible from the Homepage. For more information about the creation of Users Workshop Document, click here.

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