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NC Output


Options regarding the NC file output are defined in this page.

We have two sections on this page:

  • Post Processor

  • Machining

Post Processor

  • Modifiable name of the CN file: when generating NC file, a dialog is opened to give a name to the program and choose the directory where it is saved.

  • Modifiable PP parameters: access or not to the parameters page before post-processing (also called alpha page).

  • ISO blocks display: check the box to make the program pass on screen as being generated.

  • PP messages display: check the box to display the information messages of the post-processor

  • Automatic editing of the NC block: check the box to display the NC file on the screen at the end of generation.


  • Update of machining before generating the NC file: we launch an update of calculation before generating NC file, if the part has been modified.

It is useful to avoid any mistake and ensure that the NC file generated takes into consideration all the modifications done in the workpiece programming.

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