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The picking action is a powerful, simple, and intuitive tool that a user will find constant use for.

The display for the picking of elements (Wireframe, Solid, Symbols) can be described as follows:

  • The entity to select ( face, vertices, edges) is highlighted by a specific color which can be defined in the Theme.

  • The vertex/extremity is highlighted by a small dot/ball.

  • The coordinates are displayed.

  • An icon shows when the Z altitude is locked to a fixed value.

Drawing wireframe and solid geometries are easy and can be made by picking extremities of symbols or any other existing entities.

Z value can also directly be picked on the symbol or existing entity.

The picking of the Z value is also very useful in defining and adjusting machining depths. The pipette or the Bottom Z button can be used for this function.

Full display, Transparency and hidden edges are taken into account for the picking and selection of elements.

Full Display


Hidden Edges

▶️ You can watch a video on how picking is done in the different modes:

Picking on edges-20240814-094310.png

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