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Point to Point

This is a very specific toolpath since it follows any geometry with standard turning tool and specific forming tools. One pass is calculated, but be very careful: there is no gouge checking on this cycle! Also, there is no removal material on the stock!

Key Points

The toolpath is determined manually, just following the selected geometry with G01 and G02/03 motions.

The approach and return points are set in the geometry selection. These points control where the cutting tool starts and ends its movement relative to the workpiece.

  • Forming tools are typically used for this type of operation.

  • The approach and return points are set at a specific distance along the tool's axis.


▶️ Watch a video showing and example of the application of this cycle:

Point to Point.png

Strategy Parameters

Dialog Area



Cycle type

Imaginary nose Number


Movement Parameters

Dialog Area


Approach and Return Characteristics

Safety distance

Technology Parameters

Dialog Area


Cutting Conditions


Cutting Speed

Spindle speed

Speed range

Feedrate in Z


Feedrate in X

Spindle direction

Maxi spindle speed

Specific coolant

Coolant number

Tool Numbering

Tool number

Specific Number

Radius compensation number

Length compens. nb

User information


Control Device

Machining Set

Options Parameters

Dialog Area


Management of collisions

Gouge check on stock

Offset XY

Safety Area

Offset Z

Safety distance in Z for rapids

Safety distance in X for rapids

Curves Computing

Curve Tolerance

Curve explode into

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